Monday, February 26, 2007

Congressman Chip Pickering has an op-ed at today titled, "John McCain Should Be the Next Commander in Chief: These Are Critical Moments in our History."

Pickering writes in part:

America faces an enduring battle for security and freedom. We require leadership with resolve and experience with wisdom. Our next president must have the ability and experience to direct a global war on terror, manage and complete a war in Iraq and command the respect of our troops and allies. The safety of Americans at home and abroad, and the security and prosperity of our nation and families is the preeminent issue for the 2008 campaign. John McCain's experience and national defense credentials make him the most qualified person to serve as our next commander in chief....

....Republicans looking for the best qualified candidate to lead us against the forces of terror and lead us to peace in the Middle East should look to this patriot of conservative values. His integrity and strength of character, his sound and deliberate judgment, will move our country forward.

Throughout the history of our nation, there are critical moments, decisive times when choices turn our country and world. Washington and the Revolution; our founders and the Constitution; Jackson and New Orleans; Lincoln and the Union; Roosevelt and the Depression; Truman and the bomb; Nixon and China; Reagan and the Soviet Union; Bush and 9/11.

When essential decisions of foreign and domestic policy are made, it is at that moment that the character and integrity of a leader is measured by history. In our global struggle against the adversaries of freedom and the enemies of America, we will face these moments. It is for those sobering moments, that I choose John McCain.

You can read the full article here.

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