Wednesday, March 7, 2007


John McCain writes a column in today's New Hampshire Union Leader on immigration. He says in part:

"Among the federal government's most important obligations is to secure America's borders and enforce sensible immigration laws that will keep our nation strong and safe. For far too long, Washington has failed miserably in this vital responsibility....As a country devoted to the rule of law, fairness and opportunity, the status quo is simply unacceptable....The truth is that our nation's porous borders and failed immigration policies are a national disgrace, adversely affecting both our economic prospects and national security. A comprehensive immigration control plan that works is long overdue.

To achieve our objectives, America needs the strong reform I've proposed that will:

Vastly improve our border surveillance and enforcement capabilities;

Increase the manpower, infrastructure and capabilities necessary to block, apprehend, detain and return those who try to enter the country illegally;

Strengthen the laws and penalties against those who hire illegal aliens and violate immigration law;

Achieve and maintain the integrity of official documents to stop fraud, verify immigration status and employment, and enforce immigration law;

....The need to bring illegal immigrants out of hiding and end the defacto amnesty that is the status quo is more important than ever in this post-9/11 era of terrorist threat. But this effort must never entail giving away citizenship to those who have broken our laws. Rather it should require those who voluntarily come forward to undertake the hard work of reparation and assimilation that we expect. Legitimate status must be earned by paying stiff fines and back taxes, undergoing criminal and security checks, passing English and civics tests, remaining employed for six years before going to the back of the line to achieve legal permanent residence status, and adhering to other strict requirements...."

Read the full article here: On immigration, Washington is failing the American people

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