Thursday, April 12, 2007

The McCain Divorce

National Review Online has this piece about the mainstream media falling out of love with John McCain and portraying him as the Tokyo Rose of Iraq hawks. Their editorial says in part: "We have had many differences with Senator McCain over the years, but can only brim with admiration for the clarion voice he has sounded at this critical juncture in the war. The media are almost ready to pronounce his presidential candidacy dead. It has indeed been sagging (for many reasons), but there is an element of malice in the media’s predictions. Surely Republican primary voters won’t find McCain’s leadership on Iraq as strange and irksome as the press does. How often do media hand-wringers lament that politicians’ won’t buck the polls and make unpopular stands on principle? Sen. John McCain is doing just that, and all the press can bring itself to do is carp." Read the whole thing here.

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